Thursday, December 27, 2007

The Post-Christmas Familiarity & Normality

Blog the second.

Apparently I hadn't told my guardians that I was coming home today. There was a minor kerfuffle where I arrived at the doorstep with no key and they were out shopping. We had a good chuckle; why don't you join us. :)

Other blog worthy points of note - I have decided that if and when I pass my driving test come summer's end, I will personally see to it that any and every car I operate is well-serviced. My step dad's car is not and it's a horrible way to live. The clutch comes up in stilted intervals, so stalling just got a fuck of a lot easier. I still managed to get to Tooradin, though. Small mercies.

Also when I got back, there were three very lovely presents waiting. The cake-taker was my brand new mp3 player, which looks somewhat like an i-pod but isn't, and will hold quite a bit more than my last. Which is good because picking which music to put onto devices is like a modern Sophie's Choice.

The other two lovelies were 1) a beautiful bedspread with matching pillow cases, which, believe it or not, I actually was really happy to get. I believe very strongly in the importance of bedding, and this quilt feels and looks like a man-made artifact of an Asian Eden. The colour scheme works for me too: it makes me feel like an adult. 2) Lots of lots of cans of coke. Which is pretty self explanatory, really, but had the added bonus of balancing emotions out by making me feel like an immature kid hopelessly pretending to be an adult.

But, Pierre says what doesn't kill us makes us who we are. I don't like that very much, but I think he's right.

Last tidbit - I was putting away the books I'd bought myself in a great store in Wonthaggi, and I realize I now have an entire shelf full of the works of Stephen King. More on this later.

Off to get used to these rooms again. Maybe I'll see you tomorrow night, at The Flowers' last show of the year? Gosh, I hope so.

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