Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Why now?

Reasons for starting a blog so belatedly:

  1. Down in country-coastal towns, even being connected to the internet doesn't seem to keep the odd spot of boredom out. I would be reading or writing something or other anyway. And this blog business seems to be pretty well suited to people who think words are worth a damn.
  2. A friend of mine from Uni seems to have a similar setup and it looked nice and effortless all of a sudden.
  3. I wasn't feeling quite cliched enough.
  4. I'm one of those people, I think, who has always been a blogger at heart. We like being able to express ourselves in a more fluent and faux-journalistic style than a "diary" really warrants... writing as though others will be reading. But we take a certain amount of comfort in knowing no one really will.
  5. Or, in the words of Bernie Burns: "It's just like being a real journalist. Without all hassles of liability and accuracy."
  6. Boredom deserves another mention.
  7. Why not?
On the other hand, JC just had his 2007th birthday. Merry Christmas to all, and to all a tolerable Boxing Day. Hope your presents still have some of their sparkle and shine. I am awaiting a wonderful new magic music machine when I arrive back in Melbourne - harder, better, faster, stronger.
Also this book on Jeff Buckley and his father Tim is going to be an object of pride in my bookcase, not one of those bits of filler I never read.

Next up: New Years. Shitdamnfuck. But I guess if the universe didn't stop this train for John Mayer, it sure as hell isn't going to stop it for me.

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