Saturday, April 26, 2008

Rarely comes a film of such (x), (y) and (z) that (BLANK)

Has anyone else noticed that this formula seems to be DVD front cover pay dirt? All the "best" movies seem to have found some body somewhere who has said something along these lines about them, and tell everyone about it. For instance, if x = intensity, y = honesty and z = power, then (BLANK) will most likely be around the ball park of "it has a profound impact on your life". However, a simple substitute of z = integrity can alter the outcome of the equation quite significantly.

Of course, the formula can be inversed for negative effect as well. For instance, x may equal stupidity, y vulgarity and z zenophobia to comprise a (BLANK) equation of "you feel suicidal for having seen it." But this would never find its way onto a promotional package for the film of discussion, lest for purposes of humor or by design of one gutsy motherfucker of a PR man.

Food for thought.

1 comment:

Martin Kingsley said...

Ahh, I see you have independently discovered the snowclone.